Monday, July 23, 2018

ICT´s Disadvantages

The ICT´s disadvantages could be:

  • Lack of Security/Privacy
Though IT (Information Technology) may have changed our lifestyle and is now more convenient for lost of people, it also brought along privacy and security issues. From email hacking, phone signal interception etc. people are worried that personal information may become public knowledge. IT keeps changing almost every day which means that everyone must be up to date in IT changes to secure their jobs. There are also risk factors with the systems, computer viruses, malware, spam, Trojans etc.
  • Unemployment
While IT may have streamlined the business process, it has created job redundancies and subcontracting. Using the computers instead of human resources, employers save huge amounts of money by employing computers or IT solutions, but employees are losing their jobs as not needed anymore.
  • Social media
The network pages are open to everyone including teenagers and young children, which can affect their mental and physical health by watching and playing violent games. They became addicted to the phones, iPod, gaming consoles, forgetting about outside activities and communication in the society, not to mention social life.
  • Cyber bulling
It is so easy now to bully and threaten others in social network pages that this has become much easier for internet users all over the world to use this tools to do so. They don't realize what the consequences are to those reading/hearing unpleasant comments. In the recent past there have been so many investigation cases regarding cyber bullying with lethal consequences.
  • Reliance on technology
People don't bother to read, calculate or write without computers anymore, since they have been accommodated and got used to a machine doing it for them. at the same time losing abilities of hand writing (why write if can use spell-checker), calculate without calculator even for minor addition, reading books (why read if there so much information in internet).

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

ICT´s Advantages

ICT´s Advantages are:

  • Communication wise:
Speed/time and money can be saved because it is much quicker to send/share information around. Communication is more efficient to contact either business partners or friends and family members all over the world. ICT´s expands availability for communication. Social network sites and Social media such as Skype, Messenger and Whatsapp allows making video-conference calls with immediate response. Messages can be send to numerous people/companies across distances. Lives have been affected by ICT´s in most positive way's bringing families together across the world.
  • Greater availability
Websites are open for communication in every minute of the year. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere giving a customer the capability to make purchases from different sites and different countries.
  • Bridging the cultural gap
Greater access to the ICT´s has helped to build bridges between different cultures giving them opportunity to exchange points of view and ideas. Also, educate both sides of communication bridges thereby increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.
  • Creation of jobs
In my opinion, the best advantage of ICT´s has been a creation of new and interesting jobs in IT sectors. Computer programmers, web designers etc. have great employment opportunities created through the advancement of technology.
  • Education
There is new opportunity for further education to improve qualification in so many economic sectors. A degree can be completed online from a person's home. It is possible to hold a job and still get a degree.
All of this could be possible if we apply them and use them as an ally and a tool for something productive. But it all depends on the person that uses them.
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ICT´s Definition

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Well, first of all "ICT" stands for: Information and Comunication Technologies and are defined, for the purpose of this primer. It can be conceived as a diverse set of technologicla tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information.
These technologies include, computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies such as Radio and TV, and telephony.

Previous Knowledge

I have some previous knowledge about the ICTs, I was born by the time the Technology was booming, I used a PC for the first time when I was 10 years old and used a cell phone for the first time when I was 13. I learned to do many things in a computer although I was thaught to type on a typewriter. In my personal opinion I think that the ICT´s could be very helpful to make our life easier and more comfortable.


Hello, my name is Hector Ochoa, I´m 32 years old and I currently live in Guatemala, I was born and raised in San Marcos up until I was 18 years old. After that, I lived in the United States for about 12 years.I currently teach English at different privae schools in my hometwon. I guess i could define myself as passionate and hard working. I love my job and I´m also pursuing a Bachelors Degree in English Teaching.