Thursday, September 13, 2018

Enfoque Estratégico sobre las TIC´s en la Educación

1.- ¿Qué es un ciber ciudadano? 

En mi opinión personal, un ciber ciudadano, es aquel que se ha mantenido a la vanguardia de la tecnología y que al mismo tiempo hace uso de la misma.

2.- ¿Nos consideramos ciber ciudadanos? SI
¿Por qué? Pues pienso que si nos podemos considerar ciber ciudadanos, ya que la mayoría de nuestro tiempo nos mantenemos en uso de la tecnología y permitimos que esta misma juegue un papel muy importante en nuestras vidas.

3.- ¿Los modelos pedagógicos actuales son útiles para motivar a los estudiantes con el aprendizaje? No 
¿Por Qué?

Realmente, pienso que la calidad de la educación en nuestro país  a decaído demasiado, ya que hay varios parámetros que el día de hoy ya no existen, por ejemplo el respeto al docente y el hecho que ya no se le puede decir mayor cosa a los estudiantes Por eso mismo se ve mucha apatía de parte de los estudiantes, y no se ve ninguna motivación de parte de ellos al querer estudiar y también la educación se ha quedado obsoleta en nuestro país

4.- ¿Están los sistemas escolares formados para estos cambios tecnológicos? No
¿Por Qué?

El sistema escolar no esta actualizado, por ende no esta listo ni formado para estos avances tecnológicos

5.- ¿Como las escuelas "capitalizan" las capacidades y aptitudes de estos nuevos aprendices?

Las escuelas tratan de capitalizar nuevos aprendizajes por medio de metodologías antiguas, tales como la repetición o la escritura.Estos métodos son aburridos y muy antiguos.

6.- ¿Conocemos a alguien que no quiera salir de su rol clásico?

Si, de hecho hay personas que conozco que no quieren aceptar que necesitan cambiar.

7.- ¿Que aspectos podríamos mencionar de estas personas?

Pues, que son de mente muy cerrada y que la mayoría de veces piensan que siempre tienen la razón.

8.- ¿Cuál es el principal motivo por el cual estas personas no salen de su rol Clásico?

Pienso que el principal motivo, es porque estas personas no creen tener necesidad de cambiar su rol o de actualizarse. 

9.- ¿Cómo podemos tener relaciones más horizontales entre quienes aprenden y los que educan en la escuela?

Se podría lograr a través de una comunicación más verbal.

10.- ¿Cómo pueden nuestro sistemas educativos ser más abiertos a las redes sociales?

Podría hacerse por media de una campaña que mencione la importancia y la influencia que tienen estos medios de comunicación hoy en día

11.- ¿Cómo pueden enriquecerse nuestras formas de aprender y enseñar con la colaboración como dinámica de construcción social de conocimiento?

Pienso que con el aprendizaje colaborativo, todos dentro del aula podemos aportar, tanto los estudiantes como los catedráticos, ya que en eso consiste la dinámica de construcción social de conocimiento.

12.- ¿Cómo estamos pensando en la educación?

En lo personal, yo pienso en la educación y la veo como una herramienta para transmitir aprendizajes.

13.- ¿Y cómo las personas jóvenes y docentes aprenden y enseñan?

Pienso que la mayoría esta aprendiendo por medio de la tecnología. 

14.- ¿Cree que la solución es llenar los salones de tecnología? No
¿Por Qué?

Porque de nada sirve tener salones con lo último de la tecnología si los docentes y/o los estudiantes no saben usarla adecuadamente, o no saben explotar todo el potencial de lo que tienen a su alcance.

15.- ¿Cuál seria una estrategia para incluir las TIC´s en la educación en su escuela o institución?

Pienso que si planifican las actividades de acuerdo a los contenidos, un docente puede aplicar o incluir alguna herramienta tecnológica para hacer que la clase sea más dinámica


Image result for instagram

This is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010 exclusively on iOS. Meaning it was just for apple devices, but today you can use it on android devices too.


Image result for photoscape

PhotoScape is a graphics editing program, developed by MOOII Tech, Korea. The basic concept of PhotoScape is 'easy and fun', allowing users to easily edit photographs taken from their digital cameras or even mobile phones.

Google Docs

Image result for google docs

Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides are a word processor, a spreadsheet and a presentation program respectively, all part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.

Social Network

Image result for social network

social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.


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It is basically talking to another person using characters and using instant messages in a platform.
All the conversations get recorded in a server as a conversation.


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Kahoot is an application that implements a trivia game inside a classroom, it has a lot of accpetance among students.

Web 2.0

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Web 2.0, also called Participative and Social Web, refers to World Wide Web websites that emphasize user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users.


Related imageiCloud is a cloud storage and cloud computing service from Apple Inc. launched on October 12, 2011. As of February 2016, the service had 782 million users, I am one of them :) 

This is a very useful tool, that can help you store important data also sharing it.


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Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files.


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MindManager is a commercial mind mapping software application developed by Mindjet. The software provides ways for users to visualize information in mind maps and flowcharts.


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This is an application that is actually focused on students, and they can use it to do their assigned homework, classswork, or school projects, and share,


Related image WordPress is a content management system (CMS), it is a template to create a website or a blog, it also has mobile frienldy content.

Google Sites

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It´s a platform where a person can create a a webpage for free.


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A blog is a webpage, where a person can publish personal thoughts or opinions about a topic, issue or subject. It can be viewed as a diary or a personal log.


Growing up in the Australian outback in the late 1970s, Moodle's Founder and Lead Developer Martin Dougiamas took lessons from the School of the Air, giving him from a young age an insight into distance learning.

Image result for moodleMoodle is a free and open-source learning management system (LMS) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Developed on pedagogical principles, Moodle is used for blended learningdistance educationflipped classroom and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors


Image result for wiki
Is a website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser. In a typical wiki, text is written using a simplified markup language and often edited with the help of a rich-text editor.
A wiki is run using wiki software, otherwise known as a wiki engine. A wiki engine is a type of content management system, but it differs from most other such systems, including blog software, in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have little inherent structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


            WebQuest is an (inquiry oriented) lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These inquiries can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

A WebQuest is distinguished from other Internet-based research by four characteristics.
First: It is classroom-based.
Second: It emphasizes higher-order thinking (such as analysiscreativity, or criticism) rather than just acquiring information.
Third: The teacher preselects the sources, emphasizing information use rather than information gathering.
Fourth: Though solo WebQuests are not unknow
 n, most WebQuests are group work with the task frequently being split into roles.
A WebQuest has 5 essential parts: introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion. The original paper on WebQuests had a component called guidance instead of evaluation.
The task is the formal description of what the students will produce in the WebQuest. The task should be meaningful and fun. Creating the task is the most difficult and creative part of developing a WebQuest.
The steps the students should take to accomplish the task. It is frequently profitable to reinforce the written process with some demonstrations.
The resources the students should use. Providing these helps focus the exercise on processing information rather than just locating it. Though the instructor may search for the online resources as a separate step, it is good to incorporate them as links within the process section where they will be needed rather than just including them as a long list elsewhere. Having off-line resources like visiting lecturers and sculptures can contribute greatly to the interest of the students.
The way in which the students' performance will be evaluated. The standards should be fair, clear, consistent, and specific to the tasks set.
Time set aside for reflection and discussion of possible extensions.


Prezi is a platform that combines space and motion that helps a presentation to stand out, with this tool your can start by showing a big picture and then zoom in to reveal the relationships between your ideas and also give more details.

            This is such a great tool, in my personal opinion is better than Power Point, since this one has movement and more motion, the possibilities are endless. I have used this type of presentation with my students and they loved it.


El correo electrónico es una herramienta moderna de comunicación, ya que permite un intercambio de información entre dos o más personas.
Esta aplicación puede ser utilizada por el docente para enviar información o mantener comunicación con sus estudiantes. Por medio de esto, se ahorraría papel y tiempo al momento de querer comunicar algo importante o asignar alguna tarea.
Esto también facilita la entrega de tareas, tanto para el estudiante, como para el docente. el trabajo puede tener más presentación y se puede evitar extraviarlo y hay una facilidad más abierta al querer acceder a la información en el futuro.

Como funciona:
       Primero: Tener un dispositivo electrónico, computadora, Tablet o smartphone.
       Segundo: Tener acceso a una red de internet.
       Tercero: contar con una cuenta de correo electrónico (

       Cuarto: Utilizar el servidor donde tenemos nuestro buzón de correo.

El correo
electrónico es una herramienta moderna de comunicación, ya que permite un intercambio de información entre dos o más personas.


It is a hosting service for professional content including presentations, infographics, documents, and videos. Users can upload files privately or publicly in PowerPointWordPDF, or OpenDocument formats. Content can then be viewed on the site itself, on hand held devices or embedded on other sites. SlideShare was launched on October 4, 2006.

The website is considered to be similar to YouTube, but for slideshows. It was acquired by LinkedIn in 2012. The website was originally meant to be used for businesses to share slides among employees more easily, but it also has expanded to become a host of a large number of slides that are uploaded merely to entertain. Although the website is primarily a slide hosting service, it also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars. SlideShare also provides users the ability to rate, comment on, and share the uploaded content.

In terms of education, this tool can be used for presentations and also in case you don´t have a thumb drive, you can upload your document and then use it inside a classroom whenever you get access to the internet.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


This program is used to make evaluations, quizzes and comple topics online for our students, this is a great tool, since we can save paper and we can also avoid problems with handwritting. You have to create an account.

I can definitely use this type of tool when it comes to evaluate my studentsand make the avaluation process a lot easier.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Youtube originally started as a tool to share videos online so other people could be able to see them online and without beeing with the person that originally recorded the video.

Monday, July 23, 2018

ICT´s Disadvantages

The ICT´s disadvantages could be:

  • Lack of Security/Privacy
Though IT (Information Technology) may have changed our lifestyle and is now more convenient for lost of people, it also brought along privacy and security issues. From email hacking, phone signal interception etc. people are worried that personal information may become public knowledge. IT keeps changing almost every day which means that everyone must be up to date in IT changes to secure their jobs. There are also risk factors with the systems, computer viruses, malware, spam, Trojans etc.
  • Unemployment
While IT may have streamlined the business process, it has created job redundancies and subcontracting. Using the computers instead of human resources, employers save huge amounts of money by employing computers or IT solutions, but employees are losing their jobs as not needed anymore.
  • Social media
The network pages are open to everyone including teenagers and young children, which can affect their mental and physical health by watching and playing violent games. They became addicted to the phones, iPod, gaming consoles, forgetting about outside activities and communication in the society, not to mention social life.
  • Cyber bulling
It is so easy now to bully and threaten others in social network pages that this has become much easier for internet users all over the world to use this tools to do so. They don't realize what the consequences are to those reading/hearing unpleasant comments. In the recent past there have been so many investigation cases regarding cyber bullying with lethal consequences.
  • Reliance on technology
People don't bother to read, calculate or write without computers anymore, since they have been accommodated and got used to a machine doing it for them. at the same time losing abilities of hand writing (why write if can use spell-checker), calculate without calculator even for minor addition, reading books (why read if there so much information in internet).

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

ICT´s Advantages

ICT´s Advantages are:

  • Communication wise:
Speed/time and money can be saved because it is much quicker to send/share information around. Communication is more efficient to contact either business partners or friends and family members all over the world. ICT´s expands availability for communication. Social network sites and Social media such as Skype, Messenger and Whatsapp allows making video-conference calls with immediate response. Messages can be send to numerous people/companies across distances. Lives have been affected by ICT´s in most positive way's bringing families together across the world.
  • Greater availability
Websites are open for communication in every minute of the year. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere giving a customer the capability to make purchases from different sites and different countries.
  • Bridging the cultural gap
Greater access to the ICT´s has helped to build bridges between different cultures giving them opportunity to exchange points of view and ideas. Also, educate both sides of communication bridges thereby increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.
  • Creation of jobs
In my opinion, the best advantage of ICT´s has been a creation of new and interesting jobs in IT sectors. Computer programmers, web designers etc. have great employment opportunities created through the advancement of technology.
  • Education
There is new opportunity for further education to improve qualification in so many economic sectors. A degree can be completed online from a person's home. It is possible to hold a job and still get a degree.
All of this could be possible if we apply them and use them as an ally and a tool for something productive. But it all depends on the person that uses them.
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